Customer Testimonials

We started a new engineer, with no CAD/CAM experience, and within a day he was producing parts! It doesn't get much easier than SharpCam!
Chris Walker (Director), Tromec Ltd - Kingston upon Thames, UK.

I was not really looking to replace my existing CAD/CAM system, but after seeing what SharpCam could do, and at that price, I didn't hesitate to make the change.
The Machine Definitions work straight out of the box, no more editing Nc code by hand!
Cliff Eglington, Blue Chip Engineering - Farnham, UK.

The best word I can use to describe SharpCam is ‘Unfussy’. Simple and straight forward to use, I have had no cause to even refer to the documentation even though it can be some time in between uses for me.
Paul Kelly (Director), PK Engineering Ltd - Hereford, UK.

Over all, so far, I am very pleased. Cutting job lead times down from 2 hours to about 30mins (excluding machining). Shall be recommending the software to others for sure.
Bav Panchal, Bulsar Engineering - Coventry Ltd, UK.